So I’ve decided that I’m a new woman. For some reason, after my very first steroid treatment last year for MS, I’ve changed. I can now eat spicy food.
For those of you who know me, ketchup used to be borderline too much spice for me. Now, I can eat salsa that’s labeled as MEDIUM!! I can also eat burrito bowls at Chipotle. Also, in the heat category, I’m much more tolerant of hot weather. What the hell is wrong with me????
While I certainly have grown to appreciate my new found penchant for spicy food, as has my husband and neighbors as they are HUGE fans of Chipotle, it is kind of freaking me out. I know that people’s tastes do change and evolve as they get older, but this whole spice thing is truly shocking.
And the hot weather?? I’m the biggest pansy when it comes to heat. And especially humidity. Some people just live for weather in the 90s with 437% humidity. Not me. Although, I’m must more tolerant. I’ve learned that I don’t sweat as easy anymore. Normally, if the temperature was 80 degrees, I would have the AC on in my car for the ride home. Not anymore. My temp gauge can read 101 degrees, and I’ve got my sunroof open and my windows down.
I told my husband that I wanted to go to Savannah, GA for a vacation, and he looked at me like I had a monkey crawling out of my brain. “Georgia????? In the summer???? Are you mental???” I guess I am. But then again, I have had 4 lesions going on a double-date in my brain for quite some time now, so I am certifiably mental. Maybe the lesions should consider moving in together...they seem to be getting along like gangbusters...let's move this relationship along now, shall we?
Maybe we can go to Savannah in September…
In other news, I still hate math. Not as much as I did in the beginning, but the loathing is maintaining it's
formidable strength. Jon is proving to be an excellent math teacher, although he still refuses to take bribes. I don't understand: these bribes are very tempting. *wink wink nudge nudge* Apparently I've married a prude when it comes to whoring myself out for numbers.
Ummm...Georgia + Summer + husband who's part vampire = husband bursting into flames