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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Apparently there's a light at the end of the tunnel??? I think it's a train...

Well, I’m alive.  And that’s about all I can say.

I made it through my math and second writing class slightly unscathed.  In math I scored quite well, 97.2%, but I have Jon to thank for that.  Although I have to admit, I did the last homework assignment almost entirely on my own.  It had mostly to do with finance, so I compounded interest and pounded my head for about 1.5 hours until it was over.  

I just turned in my paper for my writing class late last night.  The instructor gave us the topic of censorship and it had to be 7-10 pages written in APA style.  I almost would rather do math then write that paper again.  Almost.  Seeing how this paper is worth 50 points, I really hope I do well.  The instructor really likes me so hopefully he and I have developed enough of an ESP bond for him to understand this last paper.  Please dear God.

Work has been an incredible challenge lately.  While I absolutely love my job, I feel that I am not being very effective.  When you have 50 people that are brand new and have about 1,000 questions apiece with limited people to ask questions to, it tends to frustrate you.  I am so happy that they are a brilliant bunch and extremely capable of doing this job, however they still need answers.  And while I’m pretty good about being able to provide accurate direction and assist them in thinking things out about 96.31% of the time, I feel very frustrated because I wish I could devote more individual time to them.

I was sitting with a gal the other day, and had no less than 10 instant messages going, at least 5 people on her team asking me questions as well as people from other teams coming over for help.  I love it, I really, really do.  I just hope that they all understand that I am one person, and that if I stop something  with one person in order to answer someone else’s question that I’m not ignoring the person I’m sitting with.  So far, they all have been very understanding and sweet…I just hope I can keep it up.  I really want to make a difference with these people and feel effective…so far, that’s not the feeling I’m having.  

All the stress with work and school has really started to take its toll on me physically.  Silly MS getting in the way.  My imbalance is starting to resurface along with the headaches and desensitization/numbness.  I’ve been trying to get to bed earlier to get a decent night’s sleep, which certainly helps, but it isn’t the answer.  MS Doc was right: I need to lead a stress-free life as much as possible.  Hahahahahaha, like that’s going to happen. 

For now, I’ll just focus on one day at a time and try to enjoy every moment.  I get this coming week off from school, which will be delightful.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to leave work at a decent hour and rest…

We shall see…