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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dreams and other nonsense...

Have you ever opened your eyes in the morning and the first thing you think is “What the hell was that?”  That happened to me this morning for the second morning in a row.  Now that I’m finally getting some quality sleep while only taking slight doses of prescription meds to knock me out at night, I’m having some wacky dreams.  OK, “wacky” is an understatement.  “F’d up” more fits the bill.  Why am I dreaming about my office, which apparently is at a water park/nightclub, and there are a bunch of skinny-minny’s running around in not much clothing and then we all of sudden have to evacuate because we’re being bombed?  Oh, and I’m busy flirting with the cute copy boy who is really too metro-sexual for my taste, yet I was shamelessly throwing myself at him??  I’m such a harlot.  WTF???

It’s dreams like these that cause me to stay in bed for a while and ponder.  What in the world did I eat last night to cause *that*???  Let’s see, I made a chicken and rice dish which had too much salt…had maybe half a cup of ice cream with chocolate syrup…and a Diet Coke.  Yeah, nothing crazy.  Pretty bland actually.  I’m glad tonight is Taco Night.  Ole!!

Or I’ll brood over what kind of TV shows I’ve been watching lately to see if any of them have edged their way in my subconscious.  Let’s see….I’ve watched the Justin Timberlake SNL special about 489 times, an episode and a half of “Holmes Inspection” on HGTV (sidebar: Damon is one HOT Canadian, eh), and that’s about it.  Maybe it’s a side effect of all the drugs working themselves out of my system.  

Speaking of side effects, my leprosy has gotten much better, thank goodness!!  Steroids mess with my skin something fierce and I hate it!!  My jumbo bell to warn people that I’m unclean has been replaced by something more Tinker Bell-sized.  Hallelujah.

However, the MS still rages on.  Today my eyes are all messed up.  I feel like I’m looking out a dirty window.  That’s really the best way I can explain it.  It’s like I have some fuzzy, gray spots in my vision that I can’t clear up and it’s making everything bleary.  I had to put my glasses on, and still, it’s not right.  Oh well. 
My legs are also starting to be painful.  I don’t understand.  Not only do I get numbness, now my calves are aching.  Moo.  It’s really an interesting combination if I stop and think about it.  I would prefer the numbness over the pain any day, but maybe it’s my body fighting the numbness and translating it into pain?  Who knows.  Got to add that weirdness to the list.  

OK, now I need to get working on school.  Oh that’s right; on top of all the other madness that is my life, I’ve decided to go back to school.  I’m currently in Week 4 in my online classes at Benedictine University and I LOVE IT!!!  Well, things are getting more intense now, but it’s great to have something to apply my energy to.  I’m going for a degree in Organizational Leadership.  It's basically my job on paper.  I get to study how people interact in a business....more the psychological aspect of a business degree.  Lucky for me my employer offers tuition reimbursement of $6,000/year until it's all paid off.  Sounds like I'll be working at Liberty Mutual for a loooooooooonnnnnnngggggg time.  My degree should take me between 2.5-3 years to complete, but who knows how long it will take to pay off.  I may be better off giving Liberty my firstborn.  Oh wait, that requires getting pregnant.  Guess that's not going to happen anytime soon, hahaha!!  :) 

1 comment:

  1. MOOO!!!!! Cows love harlots...especially Canadian ones!

    Jonny G
